Thursday 27 November 2008

O dear O dear

O dear. What has become of me. I sit here about to go to bed and wandering why?? Why do I have to go to work in the morning? Why do I hate work? Why do all my female bosses bust my balls and my male bosses think I'm great? Why o why?

I feel kinda down and have een told I need a hug. Well I burnt all those hugging bridges a long time ago and I might regret it if the thought of too much hugging didnt want to make me hurl.

I have been told I need some love. Well I burnt those bridges a little while ago and I seeem to regret it by the day.

I have been told I need to get drunk. Well I haven't burnt those bridges and tomorrow might be the ideal time to drown my sorrows and forget about the terrible week gone by.

O der didn't the week start with sooo much promise. O dear it ends with a stare down an empty whisky bottle.

DISCLAIMER: This is not a freaking poem or some crap like that. Just a pissed guy at the end of the working week.

Wednesday 26 November 2008

Latest Psycho Thriller

The clouds were grey. The tide was low. The sun tweaked behind the clouds with radiant ,.......

What the heck am I writing. Snap out of it. Last time I venture into high creative writing or whatever it’s called.

So I went to watch bond in action. Turns out I was at the wrong film. Myself and my Mrs. were going to get up and go and find the right screen but was too full up and decided to just watch the movie on offer.

Though I can’t quite remember the name of the movie I watched, it involved a psychotic British agent and his lack of interrogation skills. I think it was a horror movie about a man with unlimited amount of Tuxedos who pops by to murder you if he thinks you have information. Also on the death list was anyone who dared to peak under his trousers.

It could have been final destination 5 or the Return of Freddy Krueger but some research into every film showing at the cinema at the time, shows me that only one film was on. Quantum Of Solace. Hmm. I wander what happened there. I must get a refund or at least demand to see my dear James Bond in action.

Tuesday 18 November 2008

Did Obama Stop Racism?

Obama has changed the face of politics forever, fulfilled Martin Luther King’s dream and became histories most powerful black man, all in one successful presidential campaign.

Despite the BBC’s attempts to sabotage our image by asking an uneducated black rapper about historical politics and world issues, a young black, successful businessman did have something constructive to say, or did he?
In his line of work, he believes he can now achieve anything and stand up in the face of extreme opposition. He believes that racial prejudice has been destroyed finally!

This got me thinking like a nerd with a rubix cube! I don’t want to be a festive Grinch, but when u analyse a little deeper, are his comments as naïve as Dizzee Rascals the rapper? Are the young business mans comments a little reckless for impressionable black people? You decide for yourself, coz I don’t provide answers, I create questions.
How will we feel about this business mans comments when the next black family decide to take a family vacation to Mississippi old folk territory. When a group of black boys decide to socialise in a Milwall pub on a match day! When a black boy proudly tells a skinhead he has impregnated his daughter! The results from all these scenarios will show just how reckless this mans comments may have been! Lol!

Until I see Hardough bread and okra stew served at a Texas cowboys wedding and bashment being played at a National Front/KKK conference or President Bush adopting an African baby like Madonna, I’m not buying it! Others won’t be so lucky!
Those that really believe in this supposed new destruction of racial hatred will see a mob of skinheads with tattoos on their knuckles and Hitler memorabilia on their clothing running towards them and based on this guys comment, just assume they must just be in a rush to get to a German themed fancy dress party! Lol!

I personally believe that this mans comments are just as naïve as the rapper who also broke history by becoming the first black man to make me pass out whilst watching the news. This blog may leave those that believed in the destruction of racial barriers more confused than a young boy catching daddy wearing mummies underwear and stilettos.
Whether the barriers are there or not, a simple way to put that to the test would be to spend a weekend Plymouth without an issue, believe me, I’ve tried! long story!! Anyway, I guess I can be converted when I see Jimmy Honsu from Blood Diamonds playing the next James Bond! Lol! Now which way to picket at Pinewood Studios?

Signing off,

The Bully.

Tuesday 11 November 2008

Setup City (We’ve been framed)

Our fair city London. America has all these other names for it’s cities such as: City of angels, the windy city and the Big apple. We unfortunately do not have one. Well I know what London is, its setup city.

This is the place where you are lured to clubs and made to stand outside in the cold for ages anticipating a great rave only to eventually get in and find out it’s kinda empty and you are drunk for nothing.

This is the city where you could quite comfortably be minding you business in a rave and spot a foxy lady staring at you in admiration, only for you to go and have a word and her make an exhibition of turning you down (what happened there???).

This is the city where you poke your head out of your house thinking it’s a dry sunny day, only to find when you are at least 20 minutes from home that it is starting to rain (damn I left my jacket).

This is the city where you will see the barriers at the tube open and when you walk through, find yourself in cuffs at the other end and being questioned for fare evasion (damn the ticket was only 2 quid).

This is the city with hidden and confusing congestion charge signs that leave you going home and finding out 3 weeks later that you owe the mayor and his croonies £50/£60 (did I really drive there?).

This is the city where after Senator Obama became President Obama, they put a one Mr Rascal on TV to undo all that good work and set us back at least half a decade (why Dizzie why???).

This is the city where I can find no news on what happened at that cricket match for the millions of dollars as I must assume the English lost (well I hope they did or I will look stupid).

This is our city and we kind of like it but won’t really trade it in for anything else. Well not for Birmingham anyway.

Wednesday 5 November 2008

Of Course we can

A new day Beacons and the torch has shone bright
As from in my slumber came a ray of light
The presidential run is over, and the race has been won
Obama is President my text message begun
The trials and tribulations of this economic mess
Rest upon this mans shoulders as he’s put to the test
The doubters out in abundance at the start of his regime
A well educated man and a very good campaign team
Must keep his nose out of scandals to keep media off his back
Because the Lions are waiting at any chance to attack
And oh yeah did I mention that this president is BLACK
With new bolstered defences to keep Snipers off his back
The world is nowhere near perfect as we watch its demise
Apart from Rogue bankers there are defiantly other guys
That are ignorant and hate because the colour of skin
Probably tried to vote 5 times just for this man not to win
They are scared of what they don’t know and scared of change
Now the democrats have come in for the white house to be rearranged
But the deeper message is this is a sign of new hope
And to see how far you can come just buy getting up to vote
If you don’t like the policies then get something done
The mighty pen has spoken and struck down the republican
Make positive change is the key for the greater good of man
In the simple words of Obama YES WE CAN

A new Day dawns (I think thats how you say it. ???)

A new day is upon us my friends. I say this not only because for the first we have a Black American president, but because on this very day, the powerful tool known to black people all over the world has lost its power somewhat. The race card. No longer will the excuse of black people being held down be heard with quite so much attention. No more can the youth say what’s the point of studying when they aren’t going to be given jobs. No longer can the black man say that the only reason he is not a success is because of the white man when before our very eyes, we have seen a black man (well half but we’ll take it) become the most powerful man in the world. Heck the message is now, “if he can do it so can you”. Not necessarily being president of course, but as Americans like to say, be all you can be. Today we find that the world will listen to reason, will hear your case and judge you on merit, not on race (well not completely anyway).

Of course let us not be naive in thinking that the world will automatically be a better place for it. There are still people with their prejudices and stereotypes but to be honest don’t we all. Few black people go through the day without a comment or two about another race. The world has shown us signs of change. The message is not that everything has changed (now) or that things will automatically be better, but that tomorrow is a brighter day.

Martin had a dream, Obama was the one to fulfil it as President Obama. On this day a dream was fulfilled but do not forget that those who helped pave the way and form a bridge between Rev Martin Luther Kings time and ours. Many unsung heroes had a victory today and it is up to our generation to carry the torch and produce even greater things.

Tuesday 4 November 2008


When push come to shove its my favourite dessert

1 slice or even the whole cake
Theres strawberry, vanilla, chocolate, blackberry
This aint no bakewell tart but ill be sure to get the cherry
Flavoured piece of this beautifully constructed work
of culinary art

You take a nibble at first and thats just the start
Acquire the taste let it roll on your tongue
You take another plunge but it wont be too long
Till you sink your teeth into another bite
Not too much of the mouthfull or youll spoil your appetite
You feel you way around strategically until you get
it just right

This after dinner dessert is a midnight delight
Its creamy,its soft, its tasty, its wet,
A reward for one of of life many displeasures,
I'd do anything to get it whatever the measure