Wednesday 5 November 2008

Of Course we can

A new day Beacons and the torch has shone bright
As from in my slumber came a ray of light
The presidential run is over, and the race has been won
Obama is President my text message begun
The trials and tribulations of this economic mess
Rest upon this mans shoulders as he’s put to the test
The doubters out in abundance at the start of his regime
A well educated man and a very good campaign team
Must keep his nose out of scandals to keep media off his back
Because the Lions are waiting at any chance to attack
And oh yeah did I mention that this president is BLACK
With new bolstered defences to keep Snipers off his back
The world is nowhere near perfect as we watch its demise
Apart from Rogue bankers there are defiantly other guys
That are ignorant and hate because the colour of skin
Probably tried to vote 5 times just for this man not to win
They are scared of what they don’t know and scared of change
Now the democrats have come in for the white house to be rearranged
But the deeper message is this is a sign of new hope
And to see how far you can come just buy getting up to vote
If you don’t like the policies then get something done
The mighty pen has spoken and struck down the republican
Make positive change is the key for the greater good of man
In the simple words of Obama YES WE CAN

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