Tuesday 13 January 2009

Candy Clause and the Mistletoe Man

One December day two youths were making their way home from a night of raving when a mysterious man called out to them. Now if this was near a park or some woods they certainly would have fled suspecting a pervert or at least slaped him up first and ask questions later,... well just because. But seeing as it was the center of London Oxford street they gave the old man a chance to speak.

The old man told them of a world the GAME. Not the rapper, but the game which we are all players of. The game that one can only escape with the most extreme of actions............. Marriage.

Now the old man claimed the game is not as it used to be and as it should be. Too many men are struggling to keep their women from the clutches of others and many females complaining of terrible times between the sheets. This was becoming an epidemic. SO what was this to do t=with the two young men? Well, he wanted them to take responsibility, to run the game with pride and return it to its former glory. To do this he bestowed upon them the neessarry skills they needed to achieve the old mans request. What exactly these were the youths iwere yet to find out. Before they could enquire further, the ol man had gone and left them with nothing but a card with a single word on it. A word that sent chills down both their spines and pride to their hearts. "Shaft" was the word. They had been given a mission by the spirit of Shaft and these are the tales that followed this eventful night.

These are the tales of........ well no one knows really. No one has yet figured their names.

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